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Article 1:

Okay, ready to get into some more maths?

         Remember Boyle's Law says, "The volume of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to the absolute pressure if the temperature remains constant?" So, what happens if we change the temperature? Well, there's a new law that comes into play called the General Gas Law which states the relation between Pressure and Temperature

P1 / P2 = T1 / T2.

P1 = Initial Pressure
P2 = Final Pressure
T1 = Initial Temperature (Absolute)
T2 = Final Temperature (Absolute)

Note: Temperature means "Absolute Temperature". Since the temperature at which molecules stop moving is -460 degrees Fahrenheit, also known as, Absolute Zero, we have to add 460 to whatever temperature above 0 degrees Fahrenheit that we want to work with. This is known as the Rankine Scale. So, 50 degrees Fahrenheit (50 + 460) equals 510 Rankine. With me so far? Okay, let's get back to the math.

Let's put an electric heat wrap on the tank but not turn it on yet. Now, let's say that the ambient temperature in the BattleBox is 85 degrees (trust me it feels like 100 in there :-p) and we have 2500 psi in our 88 ci tank at this temperature. Before the match starts we flip the switch that turns on the heat wrap and (for argument's sake) it gets the tank up to 170 degrees Farenheit. Sounds like we just doubled the temperature so the pressure should be double, right? Well, not quite, remember we are working with absolute temperatures here. So, the absolute temperature at the beginning of the match is really 545. At 170 degrees Fahrenheit the absolute temperature is only 630. Not even close to double the temperature. So, if we apply the General Gas Law 2500 (P1) / x (P2) = 545 (T1) / 630 (T2) we get x = 2890 psi.

Well, now that we have more pressure in the same amount of space I would bet that it would have an effect upon how many shots we can get out of our system. Replacing 2890 for 2500 in the equation above we get 1017.28 ci at 250 psi available to us instead of only 880. If we finish the equation we get a total of 7 (well 6.97 but who's counting?) shots. That gives us 7 foward swings and 7 reloads. That gives us one whole extra chance to smack the snot out of the opponent. Had the answer been 6.5 we could have gotten 7 swings but only 6 reloads so we'd be dragging a limp hammer around the box until the match was over.

Now because we are dealing with BattleBots rules here the Technical Regulations say that a bot can carry no more than 2500 psi of N2 or HPA on board at any time (8.2.2.a of Tech Reg 2.2). This is why it is stated in the Technical Regulations section 8.9.5 Pneumatic Heaters NOT Allowed.

Okay, now that we know that the heaters are not allowed, and we know the relation of Pressure to Temperature, what would the temperature of the gas be after one shot if the ambient temperature of the gas starts out at 85 degrees Fahrenheit? Well, this one is gonna take a little more math because the pressures are different on both sides of the regulator and we need to know how much gas gets used after one shot.

First, lets determine how many units of Atmosphere we have available in the tank by multiplying the pressure by the volume:

2500 x 88 = 220000

Now let's figure out how much of that gets used up when we fire our weapon. We know that the volume on the push stroke is 75.36 ci and we are running it at 250 psi. Now we multiply those together:

250 x 75.36 = 18840

So now we now have (220000 - 18840) 201160 units left that are stuffed into an 88 ci tank

201160 / 88 = 2285.91

We now have 2285.91 psi of HPA left in the tank after one shot. That means that we just dropped in pressure so, by the General Gas Law, there must be a corresponding drop in temperature of the gas. (Remember to add 460 to the temperatures!)

2500 (P1) / 2285.91 (P2) = 545 (T1) / (460 + x (T2))
1.094 = 545 / 460 + x
x + 460 = (545 / 1.094)
x + 460 = 498.17
x = 498.17 - 460
x = 38.17 degrees Fahrenheit

So, the temperature of the gas dropped almost 47 degrees after just one shot. Now the tank itself won't be that cold because of thermodynamics but that is some serioulsy nasty math that we don't want to get into at this point. Now remember, this is just after one actuation of our cylinder. We still need to reload. So, if we apply the same math to the reload function (I'll let you do it on your own to see if you get the same thing) we get a gas temperature of -5.57 degrees Fahrenheit.

Theoretically, you could work out all twelve actuations and get down pretty close to absolute zero but in reality it never comes close.

Article 2: Fundamentals of pneumatics- click here

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  Concept & Designed by JNC Kallianpur
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